Aug 7, 2011

If You Wanna Know If He Loves You So...

It's in his kiss, of course.  But there are many ways to say "I love you" through words, a glance, or doing thoughtful things. Obviously one of my favorite ways to give and receive love is through food!

Last night my sweetie went to the market and bought a pint of raspberries - petite, sweet-tart, deep fuschia thimbles that were picked painstakingly by hand.  We rolled out a mini pie crust, baked it, then smoothed a layer of melted dark chocolate chips on top. Channeling my inner French pastry chef, I painstakingly sunk each berry into the chocolate, anchoring them in place.

Et voila! A labor of love.

Jan 15, 2011

Thin Crust Pizza

Mama mia this is the best pizza we ever made! Thank goodness there is a pie in the oven RIGHT NOW since I'm drooling as I post these pics. How'd we do it? Once again Cook's Illustrated comes through. They had a recipe for a thin crust and once we got that down the rest was a slam dunk. Best eaten hot out of the oven, at least once a week.